Please help me sell more

Help me sell more. I am always asked how do I increase my sales. I thought maybe I would share something we do here at that would help. Take a look at what your customers are buying before and after buying your product. Below is a simple example. If you are unsure, ask your ...

Help me sell more. I am always asked how do I increase my sales. I thought maybe I would share something we do here at that would help. Take a look at what your customers are buying before and after buying your product.

Below is a simple example. If you are unsure, ask your customers what they had bought before purchasing your equipment and after purchasing with you?

You want to then partner and or develop relationships with those vendors to help drive the sale to you.

For example, if you are selling to schools, you might want to partner with a security software company like or partner with someone selling furniture and charging carts. These are just simple ideas, but I am sure they will help you if you interview your buyers.

After you have discovered the process, then reach out to these reps. I am sure you will find synergy.

I hope this helps. Let me know your success!

Phil Biundo
ABOUT THE EXPERT - An enthusiastic leader who is passionate about Used, Recycled, Refurbished I.T. assets with a diverse background in retail, private, and schools. My greatest passion is my wife who encourages me, guides me, and handles my day to day operations. I have been working and studying with computers since 1994. I have worked I.T. my whole life in roles including retail, corporate services, and volume wholesale. I.T. is the only real career I have ever had. I do my best to bring you information and technology updates from the viewpoint of an IT Asset Disposition (I.T.A.D.) or Asset Recovery Company which is in the process of maximizing the value of unused or end-of-life I.T. assets through effective reuse or divestment. These are my views and opinions, and I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. I would love to hear from you!

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