Are you selling passion or selling laptops?

Are you selling passion or selling laptops?  Are you passionate about the products you are selling? I am passionate about selling used and refurbished computers. I know that each sale is putting a laptop in the hands of someone who cannot afford to buy a new laptop. I also know that we are delivering more ...

Are you selling passion or selling laptops? 

Are you passionate about the products you are selling? I am passionate about selling used and refurbished computers. I know that each sale is putting a laptop in the hands of someone who cannot afford to buy a new laptop. I also know that we are delivering more computers to schools and businesses within the same budget. 

For many of us, computers are a way of access to work or school. It can also be a way to stay in touch with friends and family. It even can be a way to get news, play games, and watch TV.

Many of our global resellers are selling computers to customers that have no computer or no access to the internet, or both. This is known as the “digital divide.” My focus and our passion is closing the digital divide by putting computers in the hands of many who cannot afford to buy new.

Here are some ideas to think about if you are passionate about the products you are selling.

First, the passion I am talking about is not your hobby. I think your hobby should be something you do during the weekends. 

Your Skills: These are important and can sometimes relate to your passion. Being great at something doesn’t always mean you’re passionate about it. Try not to focus all your energy on making spreadsheets (unless you enjoy doing that).

Ask yourself these questions

  1. What kind of work makes me happy?
  2. What type of work do I like to start and love finishing?
  3. Does your position give you a sense of accomplishment?
  4. Does time fly?
  5. You will work hard for it and do whatever it takes to accomplish it.

Finally, ask yourself what success will look like?

Thank you for reading this. I hope you find this helpful. 

Your problem is my problem. 

Phil Biundo
ABOUT THE EXPERT - An enthusiastic leader who is passionate about Used, Recycled, Refurbished I.T. assets with a diverse background in retail, private, and schools. My greatest passion is my wife who encourages me, guides me, and handles my day to day operations. I have been working and studying with computers since 1994. I have worked I.T. my whole life in roles including retail, corporate services, and volume wholesale. I.T. is the only real career I have ever had. I do my best to bring you information and technology updates from the viewpoint of an IT Asset Disposition (I.T.A.D.) or Asset Recovery Company which is in the process of maximizing the value of unused or end-of-life I.T. assets through effective reuse or divestment. These are my views and opinions, and I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. I would love to hear from you!

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2 thoughts on “Are you selling passion or selling laptops?”

  1. saludos Phil gente como tu necesita el mundo de hoy, las cosas han cambiado mucho, y los que queremos reinventarnos necesitamos de gente como tu.


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